Last weekend, Avery and I were invited to tag along with my mom and her husband Allen to a Fort Wayne Tincaps game. It was my first time going, and Avery's, too. :)
We had a blast! It took Avery a little bit to get used to the heat (it felt like it was about 95* out), and we had to move her to the shade because she was overheating a little. But caking the sunblock on her was worth it, because she didn't get burned! :)
The few photos I have are from my iPhone, because I haven't had the chance to edit the pics from my camera. But they turned out fantastic! It was a perfect day for a baseball game.
Avery liked the little squishy baseball she got when we entered Parkview Field:
Aren't her pigtails precious! :) They kill me.
And she liked watching the game through the rail in front of where we were sitting:
And she loved checking out the flowers in the landscaping when we were waiting on Allen to pull the car around:
She also learned how to clap! She finally put 2 and 2 together and figured out why we clap. So everytime we say, "Yaaaaay!!!" she starts clapping. :) Cutest. Thing. EVER.
We had ice cream, good food, fun, laughs and the atmosphere is so great.
The other photos will be in a blog post later on, because I really want to share them. We had such a great day at the ballpark, and hopefully more fun games ahead. :)
Happy Friday!